How To Fix A Relationship That Lacks Intimacy And Connection (2024)

How To Fix A Relationship That Lacks Intimacy And Connection (1)

Your relationship lacks something.

That something is physical intimacy and/or an emotional connection.

Perhaps you feel unsatisfied and unhappy, and are questioning the very foundations of the bond you have with your partner.

Whilst there are any number of things that can go wrong in a committed, long-term relationship or marriage, problems with intimacy and connection are very common.

That doesn’t make them any less painful to live through, but it should also point to the fact that they can be overcome.

Truth is, many couples who experience a lack of physical or emotional intimacy at some stage of their relationship go on to make things work in the long run.

They find ways to rediscover and rebuild that connection.

And you can too.

If you would like to put the spark back into your relationship and regain some of the intimacy and connection that seems to have been lost, what can you do?

Well, to start with, you can follow this advice:

Speak to a certified and experienced relationship coach to help you create the intimacy that is currently lacking in your relationship? You may want to try speaking to someone via for empathetic, specific, and genuinely insightful relationship advice at its most convenient.

1. Lower Your Expectations

I know that doesn’t sound good. It makes it sound like I’m telling you to simply settle for the hand you’ve been dealt. But that’s not what I mean.

I don’t mean that your expectations should be low, per se, but they definitely shouldn’t beunrealistically high, either.

It’s important to remember that your physical relationship will probably never have quite the spark that it did when you first met.

That’s all down to pesky hormones that go crazy when you’re experiencing that first hit oflove and lust, but naturally settle down a little once you’ve transitioned intoa committed relationship.

After all, if we constantly lived in the state of restlessness that new love induces, we’d never get anything done.

If you expect it to be just as wild and passionate as it was when you first met, you’re only setting yourself up for disappointment.

You may well experience moments that hark back to the days when you were first getting to know each other, and you’ll continue to discover new things about each other as you both grow and your bodies and tastes change, but you can’t expect your physical relationship to go on being earth-shattering for years on end.

It’s also important not to let the idea that the media like to perpetuate (that if you don’t have a revolutionary sex life then you’re some kind of failure) affect you.

You shouldn’t be aiming for a physical relationship that meets those crazy standards, but rather one that makes you happy, that’s based on a true connectionwithand understandingofyour partner.

You should also be keeping realistic expectations of the emotional intimacy too, because some people find that sort of connection more difficult than others.

Though it’s not always the case, men typically find emotional intimacy more of a challenge than women.

Understanding this and accepting it to some extent will allow you to be more reasonable in your beliefs of what an intimate relationship should look like.

2. Talk It Out

I know you already knowhow important communication is, but when it comes to tricky topics like sex, you might have been hoping that you wouldn’t have to sit down and have the big conversation about it.

However, sitting down together and having a discussion about how you’ve been feeling with regards to the physical intimacy and connection in your relationship really is the first step toward solving the problem.

You need to know that you’re both on the same page, that neither partner blames the other, and that you’re both committed to working on it.

Something that’s key here is to never have this conversation after you’ve been intimate with one another, as that’s a time when you’re bothfeeling a little vulnerableand, with all those hormones rushing around, emotions can easily run high.

3. Talk To A Therapist

Sometimes, a couple’s communication might not be quite good enough for them to simply sit down and talk about their issues.

In many cases, having a third party present can help to address the trouble a man and woman (or any combination thereof) might be having.

A relationship or sex therapist can lead the conversation to the most relevant issues, keep things on track if they start to go off topic, and act as a mediator in case of disagreements.

And they can provide specific advice to address the particular issues a couple may be facing.

Often, it will take multiple sessions over a period of time, but the results can often justify the investment.

4. Start Small

Physical intimacy isn’t all about sex. Things such as holding hands,making proper eye contact, touching their arm, or hugging are just as, if not more, important.

It’s those tiny gestures that you make on a daily basis that let your partner know that you really care and keep the connection strong.

5. Get Romantic

Romance isn’t about flashy gestures. It’s about enjoying the beauty in life and each other’s company at the same time.

Busy as I’m sure you are, it’s important to carve out some time for each other, and show your partner that you’ve genuinely put some thought in.

Take a little extra time to cook them a special meal, just because. Get creative and think outside the box. Take your partner for a picnic at a spot with a view. Watch the sunset. Show them that you’re happy just spending time in their company, and want to make memories.

6. Break Your Routine

Those examples of romantic gestures are just some of the ways that you can interrupt the pattern your life has gotten into.

A routine brings with it many benefits, especially when life is hectic with kids or other duties that need to be taken care of.

But a routine also allows you to coast through life without really paying attention to what’s happening. It’s an autopilot of sorts.

In terms of a relationship, you might not even realize that the emotional and physical intimacy has dwindled.

So, take as many opportunities as you can to break with your routine and do things that are new and different. Or, at least, things that you don’t do very often.

Visit new places together, try new activities, meet new people as a couple, expand your cultural horizons…

…do anything that makes you and your partner notice each other again instead of drifting through life as mere co-passengers.

Emotional intimacy is sure to grow again once you escape the monotony of a routine-driven life.

7. Do Things Apart

As much as doing new things together can bring the two of you closer, you should also take some time to do things apart.

This is especially helpful if you and your partner spend almost all of your free time together. You may believe that this is a sign of a loving relationship, but space and freedom to pursue things on your own is vital for each person’s emotional well-being.

It gives you time to miss each other and makes you appreciate what you have when you return to it.

And it takes the pressure off in terms of being in each other’s pockets all the time.

8. Be The One To Open Up First

Often, when one partner begins to close off his or her emotions slightly, the other person follows suit.

It’s an almost natural reaction. We tend to mirror those around us, and if our partner gives less emotionally, we give less back in return.

It’s the same with any form of emotional expression (or non-expression). Anger breeds anger. Joy breeds joy. Sadness breeds sadness.

The solution is to open yourself back up again and let your partner see this and mirror you in turn.

You have to remove any walls that you have built and keep displaying your emotions and love for them as much as possible.

By offering your emotional warmth to them, your partner will feel less anxious about the relationship and more able to open up once again.

Make a safe space for your partner to truly be themselves around you and the emotional intimacy and connection will follow naturally.

And this almost always leads to greater physical intimacy too.

9. Be Supportive And Encouraging

As and when your partner shows hints of vulnerability by expressing their emotions or opening up in some other way, show that you appreciate this effort and be wholly positive about the experience.

Your partner needs to understand that you will support them no matter how difficult the process may be.

The more they see that they are not in this alone, and the safer they feel opening up, the further they will push their emotional boundaries.

Try to let them go at their own pace. If they have been emotionally withdrawn for a while or if they have been like that for as long as you have known them, it will take a while for them to gain enough confidence in their ability to be emotionally close to you.

10. Take Care Of Yourself

In the modern world, with advertising and Instagram, there’s an awful lot of pressure to look a certain way, so I’m certainly not going to add to that.

Beauty is not one-size-fits-all, and you shouldn’t be trying to match up to unrealistic standards.

However, rejecting beauty standards doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t look after yourself.

Taking a little bit of extra care over the way you dress and your personal grooming can make a huge difference, as if you don’t feel attractive, then you’re likely to transmit that to your partner.

After all, as we’ve all been told many times, it’s difficult to accept love from someone else if you don’t love yourself.

Do things that make you feel good, whether that’s as simple as taking time for yourself, having a bath, booking a spa day, eating food so nourishing it leaves you bursting with energy, or exercising in a way that leaves you feeling fabulous.

Exercise isn’t about achieving a certain body type, as fit comes in all shapes and sizes. Exercising means you’ll have more energy and generally a more optimistic outlook on life,which is attractivein anyone’s book.

When you look in the mirror, focus on the things you love, rather than the things you might change.

At the same time, make sure you support your partner when they’re doing things for themselves, and don’t forget to tell them how beautiful they are, inside and out.

11. De-stress

It’s hard to connect with your partner when all you can think about is the pile of work waiting on your desk the next morning, or when you are constantly checking your work emails.

Chances are your partner knows you better than anyone, so they’ll be able to tell a mile off when you’re not really in the room with them.

All areas of your life will improve when you’re not stressed, not just your connection with your partner. You ought to make it a priority.

Let off steam through exercise and find an activity that helps you calm your hectic mind, whether that’s yoga,journaling, meditation, or just reading a good book.

You owe it to your partner tobe fully presentwhen you’re with them and give them all the attention they deserve.

12. Don’t Expect Change Overnight

Good things come to those who wait. Make a conscious effort to put the tips above into practice in your relationship, but don’t expect instant results. With time and patience, that intimacy you’re craving will flourish once again.

And you’ll probably find that one type of intimacy leads to another. So if it’s easier to begin with the more physical side of things (and we’re not just talking sex), then do that.

Or if you want to grow the emotional side of things first to help address the physical distance between you, that approach should also work.

Still not sure what to do about the intimacy issues in your relationship? Chat online to a relationship expert from Relationship Hero who can help you figure things out.

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How To Fix A Relationship That Lacks Intimacy And Connection (2024)


How To Fix A Relationship That Lacks Intimacy And Connection? ›

Couples experiencing a lack of closeness do need to spend a lot of time together to re-establish that emotional connection. You can be together; there is no need to constantly talk or be engaged in an exciting activity. Simple spending time with each other can also bring about a sense of closeness.

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Here are 10 tips to bring back the passion in your marriage:
  1. Change your pattern of initiating sex. ...
  2. Hold hands more often. ...
  3. Allow tension to build. ...
  4. Separate sexual intimacy from routine. ...
  5. Carve out time to spend with your partner. ...
  6. Focus on affectionate touch. ...
  7. Practice being more emotionally vulnerable during sex.

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How do you bring the spark back into a relationship? 7 tips
  1. Reminiscing. Revisiting your relationship roots can help rekindle the romance. ...
  2. Focusing on communication. ...
  3. Bringing back the romantic gestures. ...
  4. Practicing gratitude. ...
  5. Scheduling date nights. ...
  6. Try new things together. ...
  7. Kissing more often.
Aug 19, 2022

What happens to a relationship when there is no intimacy? ›

The first issues you're likely to encounter stemming from lack of intimacy in your relationship are communication problems. If you don't feel like you can connect with your partner in a deep sense, you might stop going to them when you feel sad, deflated, or unhappy, or when you have a problem.

Can a relationship survive without emotional intimacy? ›

Bottom line is, emotional intimacy is the foundation of every healthy relationship, without which, the spirit of your relationship can be dimmed, which is why it is crucial for couples to understand exactly what emotional intimacy is and why it is so important in relationships.

Can a sexless relationship be fixed? ›

The best way to fix a sexless marriage is to actually tackle the root cause of your relationship problems. Emotional Connection is the Bedrock for Physical Intimacy. In many ways, physical intimacy is the natural progression from emotional intimacy. It's simply part of human nature.

Can intimacy issues be fixed? ›

As the saying goes, it takes two to tango. Resolving intimacy issues very often requires both people to be open, honest, considerate and non-judgmental. It also may require one or both people to allow themselves to feel 'vulnerable'.

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In short: yes — as long as both people in the relationship want it to. “Space can heal a relationship,” explains Jason Polk, a licensed clinical social worker and couples therapist in Denver, Colorado, “especially if the couple is currently toxic or verbally abusive to each other.”

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What does real trouble look like?
  • There's no emotional connection. ...
  • Communication breakdown. ...
  • Aggressive or confrontational communication. ...
  • There's no appeal to physical intimacy. ...
  • You don't trust them. ...
  • Fantasising about others. ...
  • You're not supporting each other and have different goals. ...
  • You can't imagine a future together.

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You Dread Being Together

If you feel anxiety, dread, nervousness, or fear about being with your partner, it's a good sign that your gut is telling you that this relationship isn't working for you right now. Avoiding each other indicates on an unconscious level that you don't want to connect or support one another.

How long is too long to go without intimacy? ›

As long as you communicate with your partner, there's no right answer to this. For some couples, having sex every day is the norm. For other couples, once or twice a month might be their sweet spot. The important part here is to talk with your partner about their preferences and your own preferences.

What is a relationship without intimacy called? ›

If no physical intimacy or sex exists between you and the other person, it is a platonic relationship—even if the desire is there. Platonic Relationship. Involves deep friendship. People involved may or may not have a desire for physical intimacy. No physical intimacy or sex occurs.

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With physical intimacy being one of the ways for a partner to communicate feelings, its absence can cause a void that can create a barrier over time. Over time, it can make the partners experience abandonment issues. This can begin a cycle where the abandoned partner can start distancing themselves in turn.

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Studies have shown that a lack of physical intimacy can give rise to feelings of neglect, loneliness, and emotional disconnection. The effects of lack of physical intimacy in a relationship can lead to a breakdown in communication and create an emotional distance between partners.

What does lack of intimacy look like? ›

If there is lack of emotional connection in a relationship, sometimes due to the fear of intimacy, you may at times feel disconnected or distant from your partner. You may feel like your partner is keeping secrets from you and there is an invisible barrier or wall between you and your partner.

Why your partner doesn t want to be intimate? ›

There are a number of reasons why someone may not want to have sex or has lost interest in sex, including: A low sex drive. Sexual trauma in their past. Experiencing stress in other areas of their life.

What causes lack of intimacy? ›

An emotional connection is key, but a lack of sexual intimacy often has medical causes. Physical health, like mental health, influences how much couples can enjoy their sex life. Issues like high blood pressure, poor diet, smoking, and medication impact sexual performance and confidence.

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Psychotherapy, or talk therapy, is one of the commonly recommended treatment options for intimacy issues. Working with a licensed therapist can help you explore your past experiences and how they relate to the way you think and act today.

Is it possible to regain intimacy? ›

Rebuilding intimacy in a struggling marriage can be a challenging process, but it is possible with dedication and effort. Taking the time to reconnect through communication, spending quality time together, and focusing on intimacy in a relationship can help couples to rebuild their bond and strengthen their marriage.


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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.